Interactive augmented reality stand-desk for the city of Krasnodar
Client: Krasnodar City Administration
Interactive augmented reality stand-desk for the city of Krasnodar
It was presented at the International exhibition of commercial real estate MIPIM-2011 in Cannes (France).

A round desk with an interactive screen displaying three virtual stand men.
The construction is aimed to satisfy simultaneously the curiosity of several visitors of the exposition of Krasnodar. The guest could take a sit a comfortable chair and get acquainted with information about the city and investment projects narrated by two lovely girls and one serious guy in Russian, English and French languages.

The hardware and software complex of this stand reacted to the approaching of a person in the working zone. The virtual character started talking when the person was next to the counter. The rest of the time the complex was in standby mode and showed colorful screen savers.
The stand was equipped with video cameras. They determined the visitor’s presence and recognized augmented reality markers in brochures carefully placed on the table.

There were many brochures with investment projects on the table and front of the stand men. When a visitor opened a brochure on a page with an augmented reality marker, the camera read the marker and launched right away an effective 3D movie about the investment project and a virtual stand man provided extensive commentary on the project.