FASTEP administration interface
Client: Spider Group, APPS / AI / AR / IOT
administration interface
administration interface
Special web admin panel for the information support platform for home appliances users

The task
Make the admin interface for FASTEP, an internal Spider Group startup. It’s a platform with AR (augmented reality) instructions for home appliances, from a microwave to a dishwasher. The task was complicated by the lack of complete analogues on the market to investigate.

In the Manual user creates and edits parts of phrases for instructions. A detailed filter is also available here, so that the editor can find the rarest options in a vast list.

The instructions management tab allows users to edit the catalog of equipment categories, brands, models, and instructions themselves. Quick editing is available from the instruction list screen.

Instructions, like a constructor, can be combined from prepared phrases.
We applied faceted filtering with the ability to use combinations of multiple filters for precise search, as well as sorting and two options for displaying results: in a list or in tiles.
A dropdown filter bar gives access to a flexible search by one or more tags, categories, brands, instruction statuses and publication dates.
If to go deep into the hierarchy to the model, we can intuitively add instructions to it.

Creating a new instruction
The interface for adding instructions consists of pre-prepared fields with hints. A user inputs data and uploads a photo of the equipment as required, then proceeds to mark up the instruction and add the steps.
Each instruction doesn’t need to be marked from scratch: sometimes it's enough to move and change already created labels to spend less time on routine.

The instruction steps can be changed by dragging and dropping, where a moderator can leave comments on the revision to the editor. It’s impossible to return the instructions for revision without any comments.
You can test the neural network's marker recognition on a dataset of about a hundred photos. If the neural network recognizes interface elements, everything is fine.
Add photos to a dataset with the only one button click.

Different users have different access levels, e.g. the administrator gets full access, the content manager gets a narrow set of functions.
We add partner brand managers to FASTEP with access levels according to their responsibilities. This way companies can control the quality of instructions for their products.

All instructions are moderated. A moderator manages the user list and reviews the content, making decisions about revision and publication.

Administration interface